The Mark 10 Mission

Each of our Celebrations of the Word are created to lead children to Jesus. We share the Gospel, wonder about its meaning, enter into prayer and conclude with song. We also have a Mission each week to encourage children to live out their faith in the world.

We want to keep all of our resources free to children. If your school enjoys The Mark 10 Mission, would you consider making a donation to keep our work going?

Latest Celebrations of the Word

Ep2: Who is Jesus?

There's a moment in the Gospels where Jesus sits his friends down and asks them what people are saying about him. They report that there is confusion about his identity. Then he asks them "But you, who do you say that I am?" This question is also one that Jesus asks every human heart. Our new team member, Mary, helps us to consider our response to Jesus. We are then led into prayer and Fr Columba sings 'Beautiful Name' with us.

Mission File

Mission Poster

Ep1: ‘Be Opened’

Jesus encounters a man who is deaf and struggles to speak. He takes him away from the crowd and heals him, saying 'Ephphatha' which means 'Be opened.' Greg reflects on how we can be open to Jesus in our lives. We then meet with Jesus in prayer and join Angel as she sings,'I could sing of your love forever.'

Mission File

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