Mission Files
The Mission Files are designed to be used after the children have watched each week’s video. They could collect them in their prayer journal as the journey through the year with Jesus.
Grow Holy Mission File - Wk 26
Lost Son Mission File - Wk 27
The Mission Files help children contemplate the Gospel and continue their prayerful response to Jesus.
Week 27 - Lost Son
Week 26 - Grow Holy
Week 25 - Transfiguration
Week 24 - The Meaning of Lent
Week 23 - Fruits of the Spirit
Week 22 - Blessed Are You
Week 21 - The Fishermen
Week 20 - The Presentation
Week 19 - Pilgrims of Hope
Week 18 - Wedding at Cana
Week 17 - The Baptism of the Lord
Week 16 - The Epiphany
Week 15 - The Visitation
Week 14 - Joy is Coming
Week 13 - Prepare the Way
Week 12 - Hope of Advent
Week 11 - Christ the King
Week 10 - Red Wednesday
Week 9 - Poor Widow

Week 8 - All Saints
Week 7 - But to Serve
Week 6 - Rich Young Man
Week 5 (Bonus) - Little Children
Week 5 - St Francis
Week 4 - Rosary Challenge
Week 3 - Sr Clare Crockett
Week 2 - Who is Jesus?
Week 1 - Be Opened