Guide for teachers
The Mark 10 Mission is designed to help teachers with a ready-to-go Celebration of the Word.
The information below will help teachers get the most from the videos.
If you would like further help or advice, please contact us and we will be delighted to help.

What is The Mark 10 Mission?
We are The Mark 10 Mission because in St Mark’s Gospel, chapter ten, Jesus says
“Let the little children come to me, do not stop them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to them.”
We want to help schools share the love of Jesus with children each week and allow them to experience the Gospel in an exciting and engaging way. Our videos are ‘Celebrations of the Word’ as outlined by the new Prayer and Liturgy Directory: ‘Love You More Dearly’
Our videos are recommended by dioceses across the UK as excellent ways to help children experience prayer.
What will you see?
In every Celebration of the Word video, you will see:
Liturgical colours, either worn by the priest or on our prayer table.
Symbols leading children to contemplate the transcendent .
Periods of guided silence, allowing children to listen to the voice of God.
‘Questions of wonder.’ We ask open questions to help children contemplate the Gospel passage and the mysteries of God.
A hymn or worship song recorded and produced by us and linked to the theme and Liturgical season.
A mission. Children should be changed and live differently after encountering God. We send them out with a mission to live out their faith.
How to Gather
Allow children to settle and explain that this is a time to gather together in Jesus’s name. Invite them to “be still, comfortable but alert.”
Turn down the lights and create a focal point. Your focal point should include an open Bible, a candle, crucifix and a cloth in the appropriate liturgical colour. You may like to replicate a symbol used in the video too.
After the video
Ask children how they feel about the ‘Mission’ set in the video. Some children may already have ideas about how they could complete it.
Hand out the Mission Files. These can be used to remind children of the Mission and give them an opportunity to prayerfully respond to what they have seen, heard and actively participated in.
Leave the focal point setup in your prayer corner with the Bible open on the Gospel passage. Invite children to return there to reread the passage and pray some more at appropriate times of the school day.
Remind children of what they heard in the video and recap the mission at the end of the school day.