Little Liturgies

Our Little Liturgies are a beautiful way for younger children to meet with Jesus. We share the Gospel and use questions of wonder and beautifully rich symbols to help them enter into prayer. We always conclude in song, showing Jesus how much we love him as we sing.

We want to keep all of our resources free to children. If your school enjoys the Little Liturgies, would you consider making a donation to keep our work going?

Little Liturgies

Ep27: The Parable of the Lost Son

Jesus wants us to know just how much God loves us. In the Gospel, he shares a beautiful parable about a lost son who came home. Greg uses the words of the Gospel, combined with some painted figures, to help us pray with the parable. We can know from the Parable of the Lost Son that God will always welcome us home with a huge hug of forgiveness whenever we choose to turn back to him.

Mission File

Ep26: Grow with Jesus in Lent

Parables are the stories Jesus tells to help us discover the mysteries of God. In the Gospel, Jesus shares a parable about a fig tree which isn't growing any fruit. A kind gardener works to help the tree grow. Greg helps us wonder about what Jesus is telling us through this parable. We then join Jesus in prayer, asking for his help to grow in kindness and love. We end with the hymn 'Here I Am Lord' sung by Angel.

Mission File

Ep25: Jesus Shines in Lent

Last week we were with Jesus in the desert and this week we join him at the top of a mountain. Jesus stands on the mountain and shines brightly. He shares a beautiful moment of prayer with three of his friends and he invites us to pray with him too. Greg helps us wonder about what it must have been like to be with Jesus in this beautiful place. We then meet with Jesus in prayer and sing Shine Jesus, Shine together.

Mission File

Ep24: What is Lent?

As we begin the season of Lent we go into the wilderness with Jesus. There, in that lonely and wild place he is tempted by the devil. Jesus shows us how we can use this time of Lent to grow closer to God and keep him in our hearts. Greg explains how we can pray, fast, give and make space for God during Lent. We then pray together and sing 'Sign Your Cross' with Sr Chiara.

Mission File

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  • Ep27: The Parable of the Lost Son

    Ep27: The Parable of the Lost Son

    Jesus wants us to know just how much God loves us. In the Gospel, he shares a beautiful parable about a lost son who came home. Greg uses the words of the Gospel, combined with some painted figures, to help us pray with the parable. We can know from the Parable of the Lost Son that God will always welcome us home with a huge hug of forgiveness whenever we choose to turn back to him.

  • Ep26: Grow with Jesus in Lent

    Ep26: Grow with Jesus in Lent

    Parables are the stories Jesus tells to help us discover the mysteries of God. In the Gospel, Jesus shares a parable about a fig tree which isn't growing any fruit. A kind gardener works to help the tree grow. Greg helps us wonder about what Jesus is telling us through this parable. We then join Jesus in prayer, asking for his help to grow in kindness and love. We end with the hymn 'Here I Am Lord' sung by Angel.

  • Ep25: Jesus Shines in Lent

    Ep25: Jesus Shines in Lent

    Last week we were with Jesus in the desert and this week we join him at the top of a mountain. Jesus stands on the mountain and shines brightly. He shares a beautiful moment of prayer with three of his friends and he invites us to pray with him too. Greg helps us wonder about what it must have been like to be with Jesus in this beautiful place. We then meet with Jesus in prayer and sing Shine Jesus, Shine together.

  • Ep24: What is Lent?

    Ep24: What is Lent?

    As we begin the season of Lent we go into the wilderness with Jesus. There, in that lonely and wild place he is tempted by the devil. Jesus shows us how we can use this time of Lent to grow closer to God and keep him in our hearts. Greg explains how we can pray, fast, give and make space for God during Lent. We then pray together and sing 'Sign Your Cross' with Sr Chiara.

  • Ep23: Be A Good Example

    Ep23: Be A Good Example

    In the Gospel, Jesus tells us a parable about specks and logs getting into people's eyes! What could he possibly be talking about? Greg opens up the parable and helps us ponder what Jesus could be saying to us and the way we should live. He encourages us to be a good example so that others can see the right things to do. We then join Jesus as we pray and sing 'Trading My Sorrows.'

  • Ep22: Jesus is Always With You

    Ep22: Jesus is Always With You

    In the Gospel, we hear Jesus share a difficult teaching with the people. He tells them that they will be blessed if they are poor, hungry, if they weep and when people hate them. Greg helps us understand how there is good news even in this hard message: That Jesus is always with us especially in difficult times. We pray and invite Jesus to be close to us and then sing 'One and All' with Angel.

  • Ep21: Follow Me Follow Me

    Ep21: Follow Me Follow Me

    In the Gospel, we meet Jesus by the Lake. He sees a fisherman called Simon. Simon has fished all night and caught nothing, but Jesus asks him to throw his nets back into the water. What happens next amazes everyone! Greg helps us understand that Jesus is calling each one of us to follow him. We join Jesus as we pray and then sing ‘Follow Me, Follow Me’ with Sr Chiara.

  • Ep20: The Presentation of the Lord

    Ep20: The Presentation of the Lord

    It's forty days after Christmas and Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple to be presented. There, the Holy Family meet Simeon who has something wonderful to say about Jesus. Greg helps us to enter into the Presentation Gospel and invites us to share the light of Jesus with others. We then pray together and sing the hymn Be Still with Sr Chiara.

  • Ep19: Pilgrims of Hope

    Ep19: Pilgrims of Hope

    It is time to begin the Jubilee! We meet Jesus in his hometown of Nazareth and he has an important announcement to make: 'The year of the Lord's favour' has begun. Jesus is announcing a new time of hope for everyone. We are also starting a year of new hope, the Jubilee. Greg, with the help of a new friend, helps us understand more about the Jubilee and how we can walk with Jesus. We then pray together and sing 'God's Spirit is in My Heart' with Angel.

  • Ep18: The Wedding at Cana

    Ep18: The Wedding at Cana

    Do you know what Jesus's first miracle was? It happened at Cana in Galilee when Jesus and his friends were at a wedding. In this Little Liturgy, we listen to the Gospel together and Greg then shows us six jars and fills them with water. He uses these to help us picture the moment Jesus turned water into wine. We then enter into prayer together and sing Way Maker with Fr Columba.

  • Ep17: Baptism of Jesus

    Ep17: Baptism of Jesus

    In the Gospel, we meet Jesus on the bank of the River Jordan. He has been baptised by John the Baptist when suddenly the heavens open and God the Father speaks some amazing words. This is a moment of awe and wonder! Greg helps us know that God the Father loves each of us just as much as he loves Jesus. We hold this truth in our hearts as we pray and then join the Sisters as they sing the action song 'Shine Jesus, Shine."

  • Ep16: The Epiphany

    Ep16: The Epiphany

    It’s time for the Wise Men to visit Jesus in Bethlehem. We hear in the Holy Gospel how they travelled a huge distance to lay their eyes on the newborn king. Greg shows us the Nativity figures of the Wise Men holding their beautiful gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We too can give our gifts to Jesus! What could be the most precious gift you could give to him? You can do this as we pray. We close our celebration with our favourite hymn about the Wise Men: ‘We Three Kings of Orient Are.’

  • Ep15: Mary and Elizabeth

    Ep15: Mary and Elizabeth

    In our Fourth Advent Little Liturgy, we hear the Gospel story of Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heras that Mary has arrived she is filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Greg helps us to reflect upon this amazing moment, we pray together and then sing 'Joy to the World' with Theo and Angel.

  • Ep14: The Holy Family

    Ep14: The Holy Family

    In our Third Advent Little Liturgy, we hear St John the Baptist telling us that someone is coming. He wants us to get ready for the joy of meeting Jesus. In the Mark 10 Bag, we find Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem. This is the time when they were getting ready for Jesus to come. Greg helps us to learn from Mary and Joseph as we prepare for Christmas. We pray and sing the beautiful Advent hymn 'Prepare Him Room.'

  • Ep13: Prepare the Way of the Lord

    Ep13: Prepare the Way of the Lord

    In our second Advent Little Liturgy, we meet one of the important people of this season, St John the Baptist. We hear how he went into the desert and told the people 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.' Greg helps us understand that St John is also shouting this to us and inviting us to make a straight path for Jesus. Today's hymn is the Advent favourite: O Come O Come Emmanuel.

  • Ep12: Ready to Meet Jesus

    Ep12: Ready to Meet Jesus

    It is the beginning of the Season of Advent. We light the first candle on the Advent Wreath and listen to Jesus speaking to us in the Gospel. Advent is about getting ready for Christmas but also to prepare for when Jesus comes again. When will this be? Jesus doesn't say but he tells us about what will happen when he comes again and that we must be ready to meet him. Greg helps us to pray and Angel sings the hymn 'How Great is Our God' with us.

  • Ep11: Christ The King

    Ep11: Christ The King

    Jesus is a king and this week we are celebrating this and crowning him as the king of our hearts. Greg helps us to reflect upon the two crowns of Jesus and leads us to prayerfully ask "Will I invite Jesus to be the king of my heart?" We then sing our praises to Jesus the king with the hymn "Sing Hosanna!"

  • Ep10: A Good Samaritan

    Ep10: A Good Samaritan

    Jesus tells us a parable about a man who is beaten up by robbers and left by the side of the road. He meets a Samaritan who cares for him. Greg helps us to pray with this beautiful parable, showing us beautiful symbols and actions. We pray for Jesus to heal any of our hurts and sing with Sr Chiara.

  • Ep9: The Money Box

    Ep9: The Money Box

    Jesus watches as a poor woman puts two copper coins in the Temple money box. It doesn't seem like much but Jesus knows that this is everything she has. We listen to the Gospel and Greg helps us to think about what we can give to Jesus. We pray together and then sing a new song called "Praise"

  • Ep8: All Saints

    Ep8: All Saints

    In this Little Liturgy, we gather to celebrate the saints. The saints are to holy men and women who have lived wonderful lives for God and have gone to heaven. Greg introduces us to some of his favourite saints. We then pray together and sing Be Still with Sr Chiara.

  • Ep7: Serve Like Jesus

    Ep7: Serve Like Jesus

    To serve means to give something to another person. In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that he came not to be served but to serve and he wants us to serve too. Greg helps us understand more and pray about this. He tells a story about Blessed Chiara and how she served in a simple way. We then spend time with Jesus and sing 'Servant King' with Angel.

  • Ep6: The Rich Young Man

    Ep6: The Rich Young Man

    In the Gospel, Jesus meets a young man who has a question for Jesus. Jesus answers his question and then invites the man to give up what he owns and follow him. What happens next is very sad. Greg helps us to reflect and pray with this Gospel passage we then join Sr Chiara to sing the beautiful action song 'Sign Your Cross.'

  • Ep5: Jesus and the Children

    Ep5: Jesus and the Children

    In the Gospel, people are bringing children to Jesus but the disciples are stopping them coming near. What Jesus does next shows exactly how he feels about children. Greg helps us to reflect upon the Gospel, pray together and then we all sing the beautiful hymn 'Channel of Your Peace' with Angel.

  • Ep4: The Rosary Challenge from Lourdes

    Ep4: The Rosary Challenge from Lourdes

    Join Greg by the riverside as he shares with us a story about a girl called St Bernadette and a beautiful lady she saw. The lady was Our Lady of Lourdes. In this special Little Liturgy, Greg shows us how to pray the Rosary and invites us to pray it each day in October. We then join Sr Therese as she sings ‘As I Kneel Before You.’

  • Ep3: St Padre Pio

    Ep3: St Padre Pio

    Jesus's friends are arguing about who is the greatest. They don't understand that to be great, Jesus asks us to put other people first. Greg tells us about Saint Padre Pio, who wanted to live a quiet life but thousands of people came to see him. Not only is this a great story, it helps us understand how we can put God first and serve others. We pray together and sing 'The Lord's Prayer' with Angel.

  • Ep2: Who is Jesus?

    Ep2: Who is Jesus?

    Jesus has many names. In this week's Little Liturgy we hear some of the beautiful names for Jesus. Greg then helps us to understand that Jesus is the only one who can show us who he truly is. We go to Jesus when we pray and then sing to him with the action song 'He is the Vine.'

  • Ep1: Open to Jesus

    Ep1: Open to Jesus

    It’s time to start a new year together and open our hearts to Jesus. In the Gospel, we hear how Jesus meets a man who can’t hear or speak. Jesus heals him and says ‘Be opened.’ We can be open to Jesus speaking to us. Greg helps us understand two ways we can listen to Jesus speaking to us. We open ourselves to Jesus as we pray and sing to him with Angel. She sings ‘I Could Sing of Your Love Forever’ for us.

  • Ep41: Show You Belong To Jesus

    Ep41: Show You Belong To Jesus

    Jesus sent out his friends to share his love with others. They were his representatives. Greg helps us understand that Jesus invites us to represent him in the world. Our words can be his words, Our hands can be his hands. We spend time with Jesus in prayer and then sing the action song 'Deep Cries Out.'

  • Ep 40: Welcome Jesus Home

    Ep 40: Welcome Jesus Home

    Jesus went with his friends to his home town of Nazareth but the people did not welcome him like in other places. "This is the carpenter" they say. Greg helps us to pray about welcoming Jesus into our home and how we can love those we live with. We then join Sr Chiara to sing "All the People Said Amen."

  • Ep 39: Saints Peter and Paul

    Ep 39: Saints Peter and Paul

    In the Mark 10 Bag, Greg finds two beautiful statues. They are Saint Peter and Saint Paul. We find out more about Saints Peter and Paul and pray that we can help Jesus like they did. We then join Sr Therese, Greg and Sr Chiara to sing Jesus is the Vine.

  • Ep 38: Jesus Calms the Storm

    Ep 38: Jesus Calms the Storm

    As Jesus's friends cross the lake, a wild storm builds up and the boat is about to sink...but where is Jesus? He is asleep with his head on a cushion! His friends wake him and Jesus shows them that they shouldn't fear and can always trust him. We pray together and ask Jesus to help us trust him even when things are going wrong. We then join Angel and sing the hymn Cornerstone.

  • Ep37: The Mustard Seed

    Ep37: The Mustard Seed

    Jesus has a question for his friends: "What can we say the kingdom of God is like?" he asks. He says it is like a tiny mustard seed which grows into a huge tree. Greg has some mustard seeds in a beautiful wooden chest. He helps us reflect upon what Jesus could be showing us. We then pray for the kingdom of God to grow in us before joining Sr Chiara to sing 'Christ Be Our Light.'

  • Ep 36: The Sacred Heart

    Ep 36: The Sacred Heart

    In the Mark 10 Bag we have a beautiful statue of Jesus with a burning heart on his chest. This is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In June, we celebrate the Sacred Heart and Greg helps us to know how Jesus wants to share the love in his heart with us. We then pray and rest in the love of the Sacred Heart and sing with Sr Chiara. Her song is called 'Lord You Have My Heart.'

  • Ep35: Corpus Christi

    Ep35: Corpus Christi

    The most important truths of our faith can be shared with the youngest school children. This week we help children celebrate Corpus Christi and welcome them into the beautiful mystery of the Eucharist. Greg helps us understand more of what happens at Mass and how this matches Jesus’s words and actions at the Last Supper. We then draw close to Jesus in prayer and sing the beautiful hymn ‘This is My Body.’

  • Ep34: World Children's Day

    Ep34: World Children's Day

    The first ever World Children's Day is happening on the 26th of May. Pope Francis will celebrate World Children's Day in Rome and we are joining in the celebration. We hear in the Gospel how Jesus wanted the children to come to him. Greg explains just how much Jesus loves children. We then pray for children across the world and sing one of our favourite hymns: Here I Am Lord.

  • Ep33: Pentecost

    Ep33: Pentecost

    On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came. In a rush of wind and flame, the friends of Jesus were filled with the Spirit and could speak in other languages. Greg helps us pray about the gifts the Spirit can give to us and how we can use our words to share the love of Jesus. We pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit and celebrate the joy of Pentecost with the action song "Shine Jesus Shine."

  • Ep32: The Ascension

    Ep32: The Ascension

    Forty days after Easter Sunday, Jesus took his friends to a mountain and was lifted up to heaven. We call this moment the Ascension. We listen to the Gospel of the Ascension together. Greg then helps us to understand that even though Jesus went to his throne in heaven, he is still close to us. We speak to Jesus and listen to his voice in prayer and then worship with Angel as she sings 'The Lord's Prayer.'

  • Ep31: Mary Queen Of May

    Ep31: Mary Queen Of May

    We want to invite children to crown Mary in their hearts and celebrate her as the Queen of May. We lay a garland of flowers around a statue of Mary and hear about her visit to her cousin Elizabeth. Greg helps us to understand how special Mary is and how she can help us pray to Jesus. We join Mary as we pray and sing one of our favourite hymns - ‘As I Kneel Before You.’

  • Ep30: Jesus the Vine

    Ep30: Jesus the Vine

    We are still celebrating the Season of Easter and today Jesus shares with us a parable. He says "I am the vine, you are the branches." Greg helps us understand what a vine is and how Jesus wants us to stay joined to him, like a vine and its branches. We spend beautiful time with Jesus in prayer and then use our bodies and voices to worship him with the action song 'He is the Vine.'

  • Ep29: The Good Shepherd

    Ep29: The Good Shepherd

    Let's enter the sheepfold of the Good Shepherd. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but who are the sheep? We walk together through the Parable of the Good Shepherd and watch as the Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. We also see how the Good Shepherd takes his life back up again. In this celebration of the Word we help children contemplate where they fit into this beautiful teaching from Jesus.

  • Ep28: Peace Be With You

    Ep28: Peace Be With You

    The tomb is empty but Jesus's friends are still hiding. In our second Easter Little Liturgy we hear how Jesus stepped into the room and showed himself to his friends. "Peace be with you." he said. Greg helps us to understand what peace is and how Jesus wants to give us his peace too. We pray to be given Jesus's peace and the sing 'Servant King' with Angel.

  • Ep27: 'He Has Risen'

    Ep27: 'He Has Risen'

    When Jesus' friends arrived at the tomb where Jesus' body had been laid they saw that the stone had been rolled away. They went inside and saw that the tomb was empty, Jesus was not there, he had risen! Greg helps us to celebrate the joy of Easter and imagine this amazing moment on the first Easter morning. We pray together and sing 'Christ is Risen' with Fr Columba.

  • Ep26: Holy Week

    Ep26: Holy Week

    The Little Liturgy helps our younger viewers enter into the events of Holy Week.

    We begin by waving palm leaves on Palm Sunday and singing “Hosanna” as Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. We then gather with Jesus and his friends at the Last Supper and finally, we walk with Jesus to the cross. As we listen to the Gospel, pray and sing together we show our love for Jesus as he shows his amazing love for us during Holy Week.

  • Ep25: A Grain Of Wheat

    Ep25: A Grain Of Wheat

    In this Little Liturgy, Jesus gives his friends a clue about what will happen to him soon. He uses a parable about a grain of wheat to help them understand why he must die on a cross. Greg finds some wheat grains in the Mark 10 Bag and helps us to pray with the parable. We then join Angel as she sings ‘Lay it Down.’

  • Ep24: So Much Love

    Ep24: So Much Love

    How much does God love you and me? Greg reads the words of Jesus in the Gospel and helps us to understand that ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.’ In the middle of our Lenten journey, we think about how Jesus was given to the world when he died on the cross. We pray together and close with the song ‘All the People Said Amen.’

  • Ep23: Jesus Clears the Temple

    Ep23: Jesus Clears the Temple

    It’s hard to pray when there’s lots of noise, especially when it’s coming from sheep and cows! In our prayer time, we hear how Jesus went into the Temple in Jerusalem and found it full of sound and busyness. What he did next shows how much he wants us to be able to hear his voice. We think about the Gospel and come close to Jesus in prayer. We finish by singing a new song with Angel.

    Gospel: John 2:13-25

    Song: The Lord’s Prayer

  • Ep22: The Transfiguration

    Ep22: The Transfiguration

    This week we walk up a high mountain and see Jesus shining brightly. What a sight! It is wonderful to join Peter, James and John in this dazzling place.

    This moment on the mountain is called the Transfiguration. We use this marvellous moment in the Gospels to step into Jesus’s presence when we pray. We then join Sr Chiara as she sings the action song Shine Jesus, Shine.

    Gospel: Mark 9:2-10

    Song: Shine Jesus, Shine

  • Ep21: Let's Begin Lent

    Ep21: Let's Begin Lent

    There’s a desert in the Mark 10 bag this week. That is because we are beginning the Season of Lent and joining Jesus as he enters that lonely place. We think about why Jesus chose to go into the desert and what we can learn from him. We pray and ask Jesus to help us decide on how we can pray, fast and give to others during Lent. We then join Sr Chiara and sing ‘Be Still.’

    Gospel: Mark 1:12-15

    Song: Be Still (For the Presence of the Lord)

  • Ep20: The Presentation of the Lord

    Ep20: The Presentation of the Lord

    It's time to celebrate the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Forty days after Christmas, Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to Jerusalem to present him in the Temple. There, they met two people who had been waiting a very long time to see Jesus. Greg explains how we don't need to wait to spend time with Jesus, we can meet with him every time we pray.

    Gospel: Luke 2:22-40

    Song: Hallelujah (Your Love Makes Me Sing)

  • Ep19: Saint Paul

    Ep19: Saint Paul

    The Church celebrates the feast day of ‘The Conversion of St Paul’ at the end of January. In the Little Liturgies, we share the story of St Paul meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul is completely changed after he meets with Jesus. We pray together and meet with the same Jesus in our hearts. We end with a new action song called ‘Trading My Sorrows.’ led by Sr Chiara.

    Reading: Acts 22:6-16

    Song: I'm Trading My Sorrows

  • Ep18: Follow Me!

    Ep18: Follow Me!

    The Gospels aren't just nice stories, they are ones we can step into when we pray. In 'Follow Me!' we meet Jesus walking on the shore of the Lake. He is on the look out for his first disciples. He spots two fishermen, Simon Peter and his brother Andrew mending their nets. "Follow me" he says and they drop everything and go with him. Greg helps us to enter into the scene and imagine ourselves by the shore. Each time we pray, we can meet Jesus. He is always inviting us to follow him. We conclude the Little Liturgy with Sr Chiara and the hymn 'Follow Me, Follow Me.'

    Gospel: Mark 1:14-20

    Song: Follow Me, Follow Me

  • Ep17: Come And See

    Ep17: Come And See

    What's it like to spend time with Jesus? In this Little Liturgy, Andrew and his friend want to find out where Jesus lives. "Come and see" Jesus says and invites them to stay with him. We don't know what they spoke about, but whatever happened, Andrew knew that he had met the Messiah. Greg explains how we can visit a place where Jesus lives and spend time with him too. We then join Angel and sing the hymn 'Here I Am Lord.'

    Gospel: John 1:35-42

    Song: Here I Am Lord

  • Ep16: The Epiphany

    Ep16: The Epiphany

    The Wise Men from the east had crossed mountains and deserts following a star, but who were they looking for? In this Epiphany celebration we join the Wise Men and meet with Jesus in Bethlehem. We spend quiet time by the crib and present our own gifts to Jesus. We pray together and have fun with the Epiphany hymn 'We Three Kings" sung by Fr Columba.

    Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12

    Song: We Three Kings

  • Ep15: The Nativity

    Ep15: The Nativity

    The Mark 10 bag is full of nativity figures and we share the Gospel story of the very first Christmas. Before children begin their Christmas break, we want them to enter into the true joy of Christmas. We lead them to the stable where they can look and wonder at the child Jesus laying in the manger. We tell of the shepherds and the angels who share the Good News that Jesus has been born into the world! We pray together and sing the carol 'Joy to the World.'

    Gospel: Luke 2:1-20

    Song: Joy to the World

  • Ep14: Road to Bethlehem

    Ep14: Road to Bethlehem

    In our second Advent video, we join Mary, Joseph (and Jesus) on the road to Bethlehem. Greg reads from the Gospel of Luke and tells the story of how the Holy Family had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register. We reflect upon how Jesus was with them every step of the way and how he is close to us each day too. We enter into prayer and then join Angel and The as they sing ‘Prepare Him Room.’

  • Ep13: Mary and the Angel

    Ep13: Mary and the Angel

    It's time to begin Advent and we enter into the season with Mary and the Angel Gabriel. Using beautiful figures, we share the moment when Mary received the wonderful news that would change the world forever! Jesus was on his way! We help children ponder and wonder as they hear how the Holy Spirit came to Mary and God's power rested upon her.

  • Ep12: Christ The King

    Ep12: Christ The King

    In the Mark 10 Bag we find a beautiful golden crown and some mustard seeds. These symbols help to remind us that Jesus is the king. But what type of king is he and where is his kingdom? We reflect together on how Jesus is the greatest king of all. We then enter into prayer and worship him in song.

    Gospel: Matthew 25:31-40

  • Ep11: God's Family

    Ep11: God's Family

    We are all a part of God’s family, like sheep in a flock. We share the parable of the Good Shepherd and lead children to wonder who the Good Shepherd could be and why he wants to keep his sheep safe. We then pray for everyone in God’s family, especially those who are in need. As Christians we are called to help and serve and this Little Liturgy helps children to pray for the needs of others.

    Gospel: John 10:2-15

  • Ep10: The Ten Bridesmaids

    Ep10: The Ten Bridesmaids

    This week, Jesus shares with us a parable all about bridesmaids and their oil lamps. Some of the bridesmaids have enough oil to keep their lamps burning, others don't have enough. We us the symbol of the lamp and the oil to illustrate to children how God wants to pour his love into their hearts. This image leads us into prayer. We then join Fr Columba to sing 'Blessed Be Your Name.'

    Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13

  • Ep9: The Servant King

    Ep9: The Servant King

    Putting other people first isn't always easy but with Jesus by our side we can do it! In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to be humble. He helps us understand how to be humble by pointing out those who weren't humble at all, the pharisees. They loved to show how important they were. Jesus wants us to do the opposite, put others before ourselves and serve.

    Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12

  • Ep8: All Saints

    Ep8: All Saints

    In November, we remember the people who have died. The saints are holy men and women who have lived their lives loving God and are now with him in heaven. Greg shares how the saints were like mirrors for Jesus, reflecting his love into the world. We spend time with Jesus as we pray and ask him to help us become saints too. We then worship with our voices and our bodies with one of our favourite action songs, 'This Little Light of Mine.'

    Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12

  • Ep7: You are Invited

    Ep7: You are Invited

    Weddings are a joyful celebration of love. In this Little Liturgy we lead children to pray about the way God invites them into the joyful celebration of his kingdom. We want all children to know that they are invited to be close to God every day and that he loves them. We also have the perfect song for this liturgy, One and All by One Hope Project.

    Gospel: Matthew 22:1-10

  • Ep6: Jesus the Cornerstone

    Ep6: Jesus the Cornerstone

    Have you ever heard of a cornerstone? In this Little Liturgy, Jesus says the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. We talk about what this might mean and what Jesus could be asking us to do. After this, we spend time with Jesus in prayer and worship him with the song Cornerstone.

    Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43

    Song: Cornerstone

  • The Rosary Challenge

    The Rosary Challenge

    October is the Month of the Holy Rosary and we have travelled to Walsingham to invite you to take on a very special challenge. In the Gospel we hear the story of the Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary. We reflect on how Mary is our mum and we can show our love for her through a simple yet beautiful prayer.

    Gospel: Luke 1:26-38

    Song: As I Kneel Before You

  • Ep4: Hey! That's Not Fair!

    Ep4: Hey! That's Not Fair!

    In this Little Liturgy, we hear a Gospel where people must have been shouting "Hey! That's not fair!" Jesus uses a parable about a vineyard owner who pays all of his workers one silver coin. It helps us to understand that God is not fair with his love, he gives it to everyone, no matter who they are or what they have done. We pray the prayer time helps children encounter the love of God and that they love singing one of our favourite hymns: Here I Am Lord.

    Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16

    Song: Here I Am Lord

  • Ep3: The Forgiving King

    Ep3: The Forgiving King

    Forgiveness is a difficult virtue to explain to young children. Jesus uses a parable of a king and a servant to show us what not to do! God our Father loves us so much and this Little Liturgy helps children ponder how they can respond with love and forgiveness. We are also singing the hymn ‘Sing Aloud’ for the first time. We hope children can pick up the words quickly and join in the chorus.

    Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

    Song: Sing Aloud

  • Ep2: How to Pray

    Ep2: How to Pray

    How do we pray? In this Little Liturgy, we help children to understand what prayer is and how they can start to pray themselves every day. We want children to know that God, who loves them so much, is always close to them and ready to listen to the prayers of their hearts.

    Gospel: Matthew 18:15-20

    Song: Christ Be Our Light

  • Ep1: Jesus Loves Me

    Ep1: Jesus Loves Me

    For our first episode of the year, we start ‘In the beginning’ (John 1:1) and help children to consider who Jesus really is and why we spend time with him in prayer. As we set out on another year together, we want children to know and experience the amazing love that Jesus has for them.

    Gospel: John 1:1-12, 14, 17-18

    Song: How Great is Our God

  • Ep41: The Sower
  • Ep40: My Yoke is Easy
  • Ep39: Jesus and His Stretchy Love
  • Ep38: Jesus and Saint Paul
  • Ep37: Jesus Calls the Twelve
  • Ep36: What Happens at Mass: Corpus Christi
  • Ep35: The Holy Trinity
  • Ep34: The Day of Pentecost
  • Ep33: The Ascension
  • Ep32: The Way, The Truth and The Life
  • Ep31: The Good Shepherd
  • Ep30: The Road to Emmaus
  • Ep29: He Has Risen!
  • Ep28: The Last Supper
  • Ep27: Jesus Brings Lazarus Back to Life
  • Ep26: Jesus Heals The Blind Man
  • Ep25: A Drink of Living Water
  • Ep24: The Transfiguration: Jesus shines like the sun
  • Ep23: Jesus Fights Temptation
  • Ep22: Ash Wednesday: The start of Lent
  • Ep21: Let Your Virtues Shine
  • Ep20: This Little Light of Mine
  • Ep19: The Presentation of Jesus
  • Ep18: "Follow Me, Follow Me" - The Fishermen Follow Jesus
  • Ep17: Look! Here Comes Jesus
  • Ep16: The Meaning of Baptism
  • Ep15: The Epiphany
  • Ep14: Jump for Joy in Advent
  • Ep13: Prepare a place for Jesus
  • Ep12: Let's Begin Advent
  • Ep11: Christ The King
  • Ep10: The Greatest Love...
  • Ep9: In November We Remember
  • Ep8: All Saints
  • Ep7: The Mean Judge
  • Ep6: Saying Thank You
  • Ep5: Saint Thérèse - The Little Flower
  • Ep4: Praying The Rosary
  • Ep3: Trusted in Little Things
  • Ep2: The Lost Sheep & Lost Coin
  • Ep1: Building Towers
  • St. Bernadette Relic Tour